How You and Your Kids Can Avoid Nature-Deficit Disorder


Because of the potential impact on development, we usually think of nature-deficit disorder as a concern relating to our children.

However, adults can suffer as well. Examine the following to decide if you and yours need a shot of vitamin N and how to make that work.

The Impact of Nature-Deficit Disorder:

Is this a real thing?

Our children and their future

Adults are not exempt

How much is enough?

The Impact of Nature:

Time outside yields mental and physical benefits

Sunlight is a key

Ensure you enjoy green space

Include blue space in your plan

Go Outside and Play:

Backyard science experiments with kids

Have some quiet time

Backyard astronomy basics

Paddle the rough waters

Ride trails together

Explore tropical North Queensland with your kids

Nature-deficit disorder sounds complicated, but parents have plenty of tools at their disposal for nipping trouble in the bud. Ensure your family gets a good mix of nature to savour, and do it in fun ways you’ll all enjoy. A simple daily dose of vitamin N is a family-friendly solution to many modern-day ills.

Images courtesy of Unsplash

Hi I’m Kate! Mumma of 2 young 'uns. Adventurer at Heart. Lover of Tropical Queensland and avoider of Housework and Craft projects - give me the Great Outdoors any day! Come join my family and I as we Explore TNQ.

Hi I’m Kate!

Mumma of 2 young 'uns. Adventurer at Heart. Lover of Tropical Queensland and avoider of Housework and Craft projects - give me the Great Outdoors any day! Come join my family and I as we Explore TNQ.

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Jenny Miller

Jenny Miller retired from teaching, but during her time with students, she saw firsthand just how plugged in they really were. She made it her goal to encourage her students to unplug and get outside, and she continues that pursuit now for people of all ages through her site to end Nature-Deficit Disorder (NDD).

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